HomeLifestyleThe Woodlands- The Perfect Winter Tonic to Cheer you up

The Woodlands- The Perfect Winter Tonic to Cheer you up

Let’s face it, this winter is going to be a little different to usual. With no large gatherings allowed, the usual winter celebrations are going to be not quite as they usually are. But instead of hibernating for the winter and feeling gloomy about the things that we can’t do there are plenty of things that we can enjoy.

Walking and exploring in the beautiful countryside is one of these things – it is a great reason to treat ourselves to some new winter clothes too – a pair of sturdy boots or some snug jumpers like this men’s Ralph Lauren Polo knitwear. A walk in the woods can be the boost we need for both mental wellbeing and our physical health, and we are lucky in the UK that there are so many beautiful places just waiting to be explored…

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Puzzlewood in Gloucestershire – Set in the ancient Forest of Dean, an area of outstanding natural beauty, visitors to Puzzlewood will feel as though they are in fairyland. The mossy banks, unusual earth formations, and twisted tree roots-inspired Tolkien and JK Rowling to write about magical and it is easy to see why when you visit Puzzlewood.

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Kielder Forest in Northumberland – If you like to watch the skies, there is no place better. This is said to be the darkest place in the UK, so where better to come to on a crisp clear winter night and watch the stars. It is also home to the elusive red squirrels so if you visit in the day you may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of one.

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