HomeHome ImprovementMaking Your House an Eco-Friendly Environment

Making Your House an Eco-Friendly Environment

The environment is an ever-present topic in the news, but it can be hard to know what can be done in the home in order to be more eco-friendly. Yes, we are encouraged to reuse and recycle in the kitchen, but what can be done in terms of design and DIY to help protect our environment in every room in the house?

Saving Water

One way we are probably all guilty of potentially damaging the environment is by over-using water. Whether it is over-filling the sink when doing the dishes or leaving the tap running when brushing our teeth, it is easy to let water usage get out of control. But with statistics suggesting that a water crisis is an unavoidable part of our future, experts suggest we must make changes sooner rather than later.

However, if you are not ready to say goodbye to your long and luxurious showers, there is a design solution that can ensure you are being more eco-friendly. Low-flow showerheads use less water and energy, saving you money in the process.

Heat and Light

Away from the shower, many people have already begun to be more eco-friendly by changing the way they heat and light their homes. Switching to new room heaters is energy-efficient, Lots of households have already moved to LED light bulbs as a more eco-friendly way of illuminating the home. Developments mean that LED lights are now capable of casting as soft a glow as their less environmentally friendly counterparts, meaning that design decisions do not have to be compromised and you can reduce your energy usage significantly by installing these types of lights.


A less straightforward way to improve the eco-friendly status of your home is to eschew shop-bought cleaning products in favor of making your own. The dangers of chemical cleaners are well documented, and homemade options are said to be a healthier choice all around.

If you think that homemade cleaning products are beyond you, you can still make the switch to organic options in order to begin freeing your home of environmentally damaging chemicals. After all, many little changes can add up to a lot in the end.

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